Why a mixed media collage art project for the entire family? Because when COVID hit many families had been struggling to find ways to express their feelings of frustration, exhaustion and fear. Oftentimes we had young children who were struggling to understand what’s going on in the world and their inability to function in it.
After a season in the sun or snow DIY sugar lip sugar scrubs are essential for your weekly pamper routine. I don’t know about you but in the city of Houston our weather is so fickle that in the morning it could be 50 and in the evening it could be 80. And my lips get really confused. Dry cracked lips are not attractive and even more it can be painful! So organic lip scrubs are the thing to grab all year long!
I can crochet sweaters, scarves, hats, socks, and blankets of all sizes and of course my favorite, granny squares but it didn’t start out that way!
White noise is a common repetitive mostly soothing sound that people will often play in the background to help with sleep and help with focus and concentration.
I have a lot of trouble sleeping in a room with new people, like sharing a hotel room at a conference or when there is noise in the hall etc… so the white noise apps are a MIRACLE for me!
Hydroponics? Hydroponic lettuce grow, what you say?! I’ve known for a little while what Hydroponics are and I have a vague notion of how it works. I have this friend Eve who lives in Austin and she keeps posting these pictures of this adorable 5 foot tall maybe even 6 ft tall white tower that has all these little holes in it and in each hole there is a little seedling and over the last few months I have virtually watch her seedlings grow into full-size plants.