Craft stores are my jam! It’s NOT a problem!

Craft stores are my jam! It’s NOT a problem!

If you’re anything like me, craft stores are the equivalent of a hardware store for some of my other friends. I would say Amen. But I do know a lot of women who just simply can’t help themselves when it comes to stopping at a hardware store. But for me it’s a craft store. Anytime I’m in another city my radar goes off and I instantly can spot the craft stores, whether they be large national chains or small mom-and-pop stores. I do like to visit those “mom and pop shops” when I’m in other cities just because it’s fun and I fully support small businesses!

So what is a child psychologist?

So what is a child psychologist?

Being a psychologist has many facets and there are so many varieties of them. While researching this blog I found out some very cool things about this field. But let’s start with the basics…

Clinical psychology is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. While some professionals in this field often work in medical settings, clinical psychologists are not medical doctors and do not prescribe medications in most states. Just an FYI. When you are looking for something specific it is important to be clear with your needs and make sure you are going to the right person the first time. With all the current waiting lists and delays in receiving services the last thing you want to do is wait for months and only then find out that you cannot get your mental health needs met like you thought you could.