How many of you doodle? I am a huge doodler. My mom will tell you she’s not artistic but I can tell you that if you looked on the kitchen counter she has at least one or two pieces of paper or old envelopes that she has drawn repetitive patterns or just circles or # type images. She says she does it a lot when she’s on the phone. It gives her hands and eyes something to do while she’s talking. I don’t think she’s the only person that does creative drawing, without thinking they are doing creative drawing. Wink wink.
If you don’t read any further than this first paragraph then I have done my job. These are the best resources that you need if you or someone that you love is currently experiencing suicidal thoughts. The most important thing you need to know is that there are places that you can go to get help. That you are loved, that you are important and that somebody is always there for you. NAMI- The National Alliance on Mental Illness has these resources that you can utilize for yourself or others in need.
When I was a kid my mom did a really great job of making healthy lunch ideas look easy and fun! Our lunches, snacks and dinners were not only fun but nutritionally balanced. I am always telling my friends about how my mom used to make celery with cream cheese and she put raisins on top and called it “ants on a log” or she would cut our sandwiches into fun little shapes to make it more entertaining for us to eat.
Just before COVID kicked in, I was in a relationship with somebody and it wasn’t what I knew I wanted or needed. And when it ended I decided that I needed to do some soul-searching and possibly take my self care routine up a notch. Not that I thought there was a TON of stuff wrong with me (OKAY, actually I thought it WAS about me until my therapist told me to slow my roll and I was a lot better than I thought I was) I just felt like I needed to look inwardly and see what it was about myself that I liked and what it was about myself that I wanted to dig deeper into.
So, I love books. I love reading books, I love collecting books, I just love books! I love being taken away to alternative realities. I love losing myself and a book that’s so good that when it’s finished I’m missing the characters or I’m missing the story. It’s like coming back from a really great vacation and missing where you were and what you did. So here’s a list of my 10 current favorite good reads!