creativity in counseling

creativity in counseling

As a counselor who works with children, preteens, teens and emerging adults, I constantly struggle with finding creative and engaging ways to provide therapeutic services to my clients. I have a background in art and play therapy so I am almost always found with art materials and things to play with either in my portable therapy kit or in my office. Creativity in counseling can be very crucial when it comes to making an impact on the therapeutic relationship and experience for yourself and your clients.

What is a visual journal you ask?

What is a visual journal you ask?

What is a visual journal you ask? Some of the earliest forms of art like cave drawings, called Petroglyphs, are, in fact, visual journals. They depict daily life, struggles, battles, the fight to live, hunting etc… Compare that today and if you look at my social media feeds you see images of my daily life, my struggles, food I like to eat and other daily documentation. My personal journal looks quite the same. And it wouldn’t be my journal if it didn’t have some bling or other artistic additions to it.