Diverse & Inclusive Holiday Decorating for Kids

Diverse & Inclusive Holiday Decorating for Kids

During the month of November and December we have a lot of holidays going on for a lot of different people. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and winter solstice to name just a few of the most common. Christmas gets a lot of commercial attention, but your family’s holiday can be just as much fun and just as lovely as those glossy magazine spreads, even though it may not be Christmas.

Rosh Hashanah! Let’s Celebrate The Jewish New Year!

Rosh Hashanah! Let’s Celebrate The Jewish New Year!

As a child growing up Jewish, I remember celebrating certain BIG Jewish holidays, like Rosh Hashanah, in a large synagogue outside San Francisco somewhere. Don’t ask me, I don’t remember the name. (maybe ask my mom) But the place was HUGE and with many buildings. I also don’t remember the inside of the sanctuary ONE BIT. But I remember the lobby, which was the sanctuary for kids looking for sanctuary from the sanctuary. LOL!