has a lot to say about being creative as it relates to mental health, “Look at it this way: without anxiety disorders, the world would never have been graced with the talents of: Abraham Lincoln (U.S. President), Emily Dickinson (American poet), Vincent van Gogh (Dutch artist), Brian Wilson (American musician/Beach Boys frontman), or T.S. Eliot. In fact, Eliot gave us the sentiment, “Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity.”
Being a woman in today’s world is crazy. Stupid crazy hard. And yet, we get up every morning and show up. Sometimes all we can do is try and that’s good enough too. Some days can be so chaotic that you aren’t even sure which hurdle to tackle first. So where in all this is wellness? Or self care?
When your teen loses a friend as a parent, you have been hit with a double whammy. You yourself are trying to process this death and then you also have the added bonus of processing your child’s grief. It’s a double hit to your psyche.
As a counselor who works with children, preteens, teens and emerging adults, I constantly struggle with finding creative and engaging ways to provide therapeutic services to my clients. I have a background in art and play therapy so I am almost always found with art materials and things to play with either in my portable therapy kit or in my office. Creativity in counseling can be very crucial when it comes to making an impact on the therapeutic relationship and experience for yourself and your clients.
I’m not talking about taking the door off the frame in your kids room and forcing them to be compliant. I’m talking about digital parental controls. In this day and age we have to be aware of where our children are going online. Scams, spam, pedophiles and other scary things lurk in the cyber world and we have to help our children stay safe. Here are a few ways in which you can do this with specific examples to easily follow.
Everyone wonders if mind over matter is a real thing. Can you truly control your thoughts? Your actions? Can you really change your emotions in a particular setting? Positivity, affirmations and gratitude are some big time trends for this decade.