back to school stress management

back to school stress management

Summer days are over and we are back in the swing of things across the country. Schools have reopened, lunches are being prepared, homework is getting done (or not) and stress levels have gone up. I want to get into back to school stress management challenges and opportunities with you, in the hopes I can help!

Lettuce Grow? Cool Concept and Pure Joy

Lettuce Grow? Cool Concept and Pure Joy

Hydroponics? Hydroponic lettuce grow, what you say?! I’ve known for a little while what Hydroponics are and I have a vague notion of how it works. I have this friend Eve who lives in Austin and she keeps posting these pictures of this adorable 5 foot tall maybe even 6 ft tall white tower that has all these little holes in it and in each hole there is a little seedling and over the last few months I have virtually watch her seedlings grow into full-size plants.